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TTEC Digital helps national restaurant chain serve up marketing insights with Microsoft Dynamics 365

Services Provided
Customer experience transformation
Company Size
400+ locations
North America
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The challenge

A large family restaurant chain with a variety of disparate marketing tools (including separate email, SMS, CRM, and PoS systems) needed better visibility into their marketing efforts.

The solution

TTEC Digital deployed Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights, a single unified marketing platform with 360-degree customer visibility. Now this restaurant chain can segment audiences by age, location, and dining preferences.

The result

With Dynamics 365, the client can eliminate marketing data and journey silos to deliver better customer engagement at an individual customer level, and increasing overall satisfaction with the brand.

“We can give our clients a dashboard that ties any marketing activity back to direct revenue, so CMOs can shift the perception of marketing from cost center to a revenue generation engine. They can then advocate for more funding to pour fuel on the fire for successful campaigns and move the needle even more.”
Steve Smith, Principal Solutions Architect, TTEC Digital